Why waste tape when you can plant a tree ...
San Diego, CA Walgreens celebrated the opening of the nation's first green is not a pharmacy yesterday with a traditional ribbon cutting ceremony, but by planting native trees.
"We felt that planting trees was much easier than cutting ribbons and then throw away,"said Jamie J. Meyers, LEED AP Project Architect who has been there for the festivities.
Walgreens, the nation's largest drug store chain once again changes the landscape for U.S. consumers, this time for greener. store in question was designed from the ground up around a dual mission effectiveness and sustainability. Not only is the first drug store in thethe United States to meet strict USGBCs LEED design standards ,but the 24-hourshops and sells a range of eco -friendly products .
exceeding LEED requirements and to integrate eco-friendly product line to their inventory they have taken steps to not simply be attributed to the joint company "greenwashing"
a significant commitment ...
With this project and future plans for many more like it, Walgreens has made a serious commitment to sustainability. Here are just some of the things that are built into this shop on the architectural side,
-Take for example, landscaping-They used all the plants that will not require watering after you have customized for transplantation. Here in San Diego that is a pretty big deal as we are in the midst of a two-level drought emergency ...
-They are great pains to reduce lighting energy waste by 75% using natural sunlight during the day hours. This was accomplished with the installation of solar tubes and skylights that shines down from the ceiling. That combined with the LEDs in their signs and refrigerator reduces lighting energy use by about 50%
-They mitigate pollution of storm water from surrounding buildings by collecting and filtering water as it flows to their fate.
-water use is estimated at 50% below the LEED standard levels.
-75% of the architectural materials saved from the previous structure which existed on the lot.
-white roof was included in order to reduce the cooling related energy use, as well as to mitigate the urban heat island.
-There are many other details of the green as well, such as hybrid parking spaces, bike rack, a site chosen in part for this is close to public transportation.
While other companies such as Wal-Mart and Target have made token gestures for the green movement Walgreens really seem to get it. Although there is still room for further improvement, significant steps were taken to "go green", far above the dog and pony show that passes for the environment these days in many companies.
At one point a serious question is asked-"How can we make ourselves more efficient and sustainable?" And someone took the time to find some awnsers. However, here we find the question that all modern businesses will be faced with as energy prices soar and the public becomes more aware of their actions on the planet. It was the product they produce, services provided, or goods that are sold both large and small companies can not escape the changes taking place in our midst. Those who do not respond to these changes will end up like Walgreens competitors such as Eckerd, just struggling to keep up with the pack
The history of steady progress
"Walgreens makes great progress on our environmental initiatives in stores chain wide. Are cutting our electricity and water, recycling tons of cardboard and wrap the cut every year and upgrade equipment for maximum efficiency, " said Walgreens vice president of market Matt Sesto
Walgreens has never been trendy / flashy company. On the contrary, they are a family run All-American company with a long history of steady progress. In many cases, they were among the first to implement innovative strategies such as going to the bar-code scanning technology, and expanding the development of film in 1970. They were also at the forefront of adjustment more convenient, customer friendly format at a time when drugstores are quite limited in scope. Through all these changes but they always kept true to their identity as "America corner drugstore ".
So, when a company like Walgreens outlines a wide range of ecological strategies that really means something in terms of their future intentions. As mentioned Jim Collins (author of 'built to last "and" Good to Great "), in an article titled Best Beats First,
"They (Walgreens) can be slow, after the crawl, walk, run, trajectory, but when they run, they will run right over companies that they believe are the first everything that is important ."
So when Walgreens tells me that they plan to build more new green locations, as well as do more environmentally friendly changes to their existing location, 6857 I believe them. This store is alone save enough energy to power house 19 + years to imagine what the combined effect will be!
Bringing green products "in every corner drugstore in America"
Walgreens unique position as a national leader in the industry gives them the ability to supply and support of green eco-friendly products into their vast network of 24 locations store hours. Also, it puts them in a position to persuade its competitors to do the same. It says nothing as the opportunities available to them in terms of a holistic, eco-friendly and organic health care products. Again, in the interest of fairness to the area where steps have been taken ... but there is still room for improvement. Although some green products are highlighted and given prominent display position-a large portion of their inventory is the same old landfill clogging ... "stuff" that plagues America today.
This reminds us of the reason I decided to write this article. Walgreens, like many other longtime businesses today is in an awkward position. While they were struggling to wrap their strategy around the idea of sustainability they are still plagued with a long legacy of conventional, polluting, unsustainable business practices. Unfortunately, this is something that a company can not change overnight. This problem can be solved through a consistent long-term effort. No sweeping initiative or "change program" will make a meaningful difference in behavior that have developed over many generations.
good news, however, that the pressure of retail giants such as Walgreens, mainstream manufacturers (such as Walgreens own current suppliers) will, of course, "follow your LEED" and begin offering more green product alternatives. Here are some of the product lines are currently available in their Mira Mesa (SD) sites,
Healthy Times Organic Baby Food-Definitely worth a green product-especially if your sick of paying for water and starch! Organic babyfood should be in every grocery / drug store in America. I would recommend this product to any parent trying to get their child off at a green healthy start. They have a lot of options, all organic, all formulated to nurture children's skin, hair growth and general welfare. This baby food does not contain refined sugars, preservatives or artificial additives.
Biofusion-This is the Walgreens own brand of hair care products containing natural ingredients in the formula. It is not only as to the sustainability and social responsibility in the production process, however, formulas do rely less on chemicals with too many syllables to pronounce.
Burt's Bees-Here is an excellent example of a mom and pop industry manufacturers that grew into a nation-wide success ... and is now using that success to influence the environmental progress. Not only are their products for personal care, of course, is based on (wax), his whole business philosophy revolves around support for the "greater good" of their charitable contributions to encourage their employees opportunities for personal growth.
Clorox Greenworks-This is the Clorox brand of green cleaning products that are used, in their words 'environmentally better chemistry' to achieve results similar to Clorox cleaning toxic / harmful flagship products. Clorox also contributes to the Sierra Club in the name of this product line. (Get coupons here)
From the nature of SC Johnson-green plant-based cleaning products are environmentally friendly and versatile in the selection. Check out their website to learn more about these products, which SC Johnson to help the environment.
Water-made another Walgreens products. BPA free reusable water jug that comes in various sizes. It is reusable and recyclable, and contains no harmful traces of BPA in a typical bottled water containers.
So, while the green products are available at this site there is a special emphasis on the architectural end of sustainability. I can imagine it's hard to switch away from long-time relationship between the distributor but there's really no good reason why Walgreens can offer a more environmentally friendly alternative products for some of their best selling items.
is a common drugstore
is often overlooked (yet very important) part of going green are good decisions that can make any
such as eating right, exercising, and picking the right to counter health products. Please note that the medical industry is the main landfill and toxic waste polluter. Just look around next time your in the hospital andit is not difficult to see why. If Walgreens can take their commitment to the next level by promoting the natural environment and medical products in their stores then that would be pretty amazing achievement of environmental standards.
is going green just as much about how to live life as a house you live in. By extension, it is just as much about the products they sell as a building you have to sell them in. Sometimes they forget that the world and industry uposlovnom . I hope that Walgreens is able to employ the same wise ruling in this area as currently practiced in the design and energy policies of their new buildings. To see pictures grand opening to check out my Walgreens article in its entirety!